John Muir Laws

John Muir Laws Presents:

Introduction to Bird Sketching
for Taking Notes in the Field

Saturday, January 16, 2021.  From 10:30am to Noon PST, Video Teleconference on ZOOM

Description:  Limited to 1,000 participants on Zoom, John (Jack) Muir Laws will help us become better birdwatchers!  Observing and drawing birds opens a world of beauty and sharpens our ability to observe accurately and deeply. The ability to draw is not a gift you are born with but a skill that anyone can develop. Whether you are a birder wishing to quickly sketch birds or an artist who wants to understand and accurately depict birds in your paintings, this workshop is for you. The demonstrations on this zoom event have been developed and refined in hundreds of workshops, and will give you the techniques and knowledge you need to draw birds. While the event is free, you may want to spend $25 to go deeper, or get a preview of the class, with his recommended text: The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds.

John (Jack) Muir Laws is a scientist, educator, and author, who helps people forge a deeper and more personal connection with nature through keeping illustrated nature journals and understanding science. His work intersects science, art, and mindfulness. Trained as a wildlife biologist and an associate of the California Academy of Sciences, he observes the world with rigorous attention. He looks for mysteries, plays with ideas, and seeks connections in all he sees. Attention, observation, curiosity, and creative thinking are not gifts, but skills that grow with training and deliberate practice. As an educator and author, Jack teaches techniques and supports routines that develop these skills to make them a part of everyday life.