Local Business Discounts
Display your festival name badge to take advantage of the following local business discounts.
Business Name | Business Type | Discount | Website |
Beads By the Bay | Retails | Free handmade keychain with purchase | https://www.morrobaybeads.com/index.html#/ |
Carousel Taffy | Retail | 20% off | https://carouseltaffy.com/ |
Poppy | Retail | 30% off | https://poppywoman.com/ |
Coalesce Bookstore | Retail | 20% off | https://coalescebookstore.com/ |
Dress your Soul Boutique | Retail | 25% off any one item | https://www.dressyoursoulkv.com/ |
Lavender Blu | Retail | 30% off | https://www.instagram.com/lavblucentralcoast/?hl=en |
Lor Coaching Services Studio and Gallery | Retail | 10% off | https://www.lorcoachingservices.com/ |
Los Osos Rexall Drug and Gift | Retail | 10% off, excludes prescriptions | https://www.losososrexalldrugandgift.com/ |
Morro Bay House of Jerky | Retail | 10% off | https://www.morrobayjerky.com/ |
Paula Radke Art Glass | Retail | 20% off | https://www.paularadke.com/ |
Tiger Monkey Tattoo | Retail | 25% off Ornithological Tattoos | https://tigermonkeytattoo.com/ |
Smoobage | Retail | 10% off | https://www.instagram.com/smoobage/ |
Bay Deli | Restaurant | 10% off | https://bay-deli-morrobay1.my.canva.site/ |
Bayside Cafe | Restaurant | 10% off, excludes alcohol | http://baysidecafe.com/ |
Beerwood | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.thisisbeerwood.com/ |
Blue Sky BIstro | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.bistroonthebay.com/ |
Carla's Country Kitchen | Restaurant | Free coffee or tea with breakfast purchase, 10% off retail | https://www.facebook.com/carlascokit/?locale=eu_ES |
Celia's Garden Cafe | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.celiasgardencafe.com/ |
The Dough Connection | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.instagram.com/thedoughconnection805/ |
Dutchman's Seafood House | Restaurant | Free cup of chowder with purchase | https://www.dutchmansseafoodhouse.com/ |
Frankie and Lola's Front Street Cafe | Restaurant | 15% off | http://www.t.frankieandlolas.com/index.html |
Gilligan's Sandwich Shop | Restaurant | 10% off | https://gilligansmb.com/ |
Kickers | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.morrobaykickers.com/ |
La Katrina Mexican | Restaurant | 25% off, excludes alcohol | https://lakatrinamexicancocina.com/ |
La Palapa | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.instagram.com/lapalapabaywood/ |
Morro Bay Butcher and Deli | Restaurant | 10% off sandwiches | https://www.morrobaybutcher.com/ |
Morro Grill and Sports Bar | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.instagram.com/morrogrill_mb/ |
Shine Cafe | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.sunshinehealthfoods-shinecafe.com/ |
Sweet Reef Boba and Taiyaki | Restaurant | 10% off | https://www.sweetreefboba.com/ |
Carlock's Bakery | Bakery | Buy one, get one free Pastry | https://www.instagram.com/carlocks_bakery_/?hl=en |
Groggy Scallywag Coffee House | Coffee Shop | 10% off | https://www.groggyscallywag.com/ |
The Human Bean | Coffee Shop | 15% off | https://thehumanbean.com/blogs/stores/ca-morro-bay-morro-bay-rd |
Suns N Buns Bakery | Coffee shop | 1 free pastry with any coffee or drink order over $1, 1 per day per person | https://www.instagram.com/sunnbunsbakery_/ |